White label

Welcome to the Musement white label documentation!

A white label solution allows partners to quickly set up a website with Musement's catalog while displaying their own branding. Customers can be directed to the platform as part of an ad campaign, purchase flow or any other touch point that partners can think of.

Partners are encouraged to identify the best touch points for their user journey in order to encourage users to purchase tours and activities on the white label platform. The objective is to take advantage of the time frame when users have the highest purchase intention to maximize the conversion rate for that traffic.


We group touch points into four different steps of the user journey:

  • Discovery phase: The user is looking for something to reserve. This could be anything: holiday packages, where to stay, flights, a cruise, etc.
  • Confirmation phase: The user finalizes their reservation.
  • Pre-trip phase: The time interval after the confirmation and before the trip begins.
  • In-destination phase: The user has reached their destination and is enjoying their trip.

Each phase contains multiple potential touch points, which can vary depending on the use case, the user's situation and the partner's sales channel.

Once the touch points are clearly defined, partners can create efficient entry points which direct users to relevant landing pages on the white label platform. This approach results in traffic with a higher purchase intent and a potentially high conversion rate.

Example scenario

A customer finishes booking a flight to Milan. On the confirmation page there is a banner promoting tours and activities for the area. Clicking on the banner takes the customer to the white label site, specifically the Milan destination page:

Milan destination page example
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