
When setting up a domain for a white label solution, partners can opt for a custom sub-domain with Musement or create their own.

On Musement

The simplest setup is through Musement's own site Partners are assigned a third-level domain for their white label.

For example, the partner Acme Tours would receive a third-level domain of acme-tours, resulting in a white label site of

Hosting a white label solution on Musement's site requires no effort from partners for the setup.

Custom domain

Partners can choose to set up their own site for their white label solution.

Sites must use a third-level domain. For example, the partner Acme Tours could set up their own site as or

Partners must take additional steps to set up a custom domain:

  1. Generate .csr and .key files for the certificate creation process. Partners are expected to carry out this process as it requires submitting company details. It is strongly recommended to keep track of the exact details used to create the certificate as well as the files themselves. Partners can use sites such as this one to help set up the certificate.
  2. Generate a certificate for their custom domain in .pem format.
  3. Provide Musement with the certificate, the CA (Certificate Authority) chain and the .key file in .pem format.
  4. Configure your DNS records via one of the following below:
    1. Create an alias record to Musement's CloudFront distribution. Be aware that the distribution URL can occasionally change. When this happens, partners are notified and expected to update their record.
    2. Delegate the alias creation to Musement, implementing NS records on your zone. This gives Musement total control of a partner's record. After the hosted zone creation, we provide the NS records. When you add the DNS records, we can dynamically maintain the alias record, even if the CloudFront distribution URL changes.
  5. Implement a system to track the certificate's expiration date. Partners are expected to provide updated certificates at least seven days before expiration.
Expiry date

We recommend partners create a certificate which expires at least one year from the issue date. This helps reduce potential issues when updating expiring certificates.

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