
While it's not possible to cancel an entire order, canceling individual order items is allowed for select partners. For access to canceling order items, you must ask special permission to the Strategic partnerships team.

Order items for activities with no refund policies cannot be canceled and will always be charged. You can only cancel order items for activities with one or more refund policies, provided they are still valid.

When you're interested in canceling an order item, we recommend the approach outlined below.

1. Check the order item refund policies

Before attempting to cancel an order item, verify its refund policies. While the /activities/{activityUuid}/refund-policies endpoint reflects the refund policies available for an activity at the time of the call, it may not reflect the policies at the time an order was created. For this reason, we discourage partners from using this endpoint when checking refund policies for an order item.

To avoid confusion, the refund policies available at the time are saved with each order item. To check the refund policies in place for an order item, make the following request:

curl -X GET '{baseUrl}/orders/{orderUuid}/items/{orderItemUuid}/refund-policies' \
-H 'X-Musement-Application: {applicationValue}' \
-H 'X-Musement-Version: 3.4.0' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}'

The response includes the original refund policies for the activity as well as the applicable_until and remaining_time properties which define the cutoff for a refund.

In the example response below, customers have until 09:00 on 26 November 2021 to cancel their booking in order to receive a full refund:

		"uuid": "7d4f0707-85ec-428e-9afa-0ed1e8f23c4d",
		"period": "P1D",
		"type": "PERCENTAGE",
		"value": 100.0,
		"applicable_until": "2021-11-26 09:00",
		"remaining_time": "P10DT22H26M37S"

2. Cancel the order item

If the order item can still be refunded according to the previous step, you can cancel an order item by making the following request:

curl -X DELETE '{baseUrl}/orders/{orderUuid}/items/{orderItemUuid}' \
-H 'X-Musement-Application: {applicationValue}' \
-H 'X-Musement-Version: 3.4.0' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
	"cancellation_reason": "{validCancellationReason}",
	"cancellation_additional_info": "{optionalAdditionalInfo}"

The request body must have the cancellation_reason property with a valid value:

  • API-ISSUE : You encountered a technical issue with the API.
  • CANCELLED-BY-CUSTOMER : The customer has requested the cancellation.
  • GRACE-PERIOD : Canceling an order item within a limited window after placing the reservation.
  • MISSING-MEETING-POINT-DETAILS : Customers were unable to experience their reserved activity due to missing or outdated meeting point details.
  • MISSING-PASSENGER-INFO : Activity providers are unable to accept a booking due to missing mandatory information such as date of birth, pickup points etc.
  • REJECTED-ORDER : Activity providers are unable to accept a booking due to issues such as overbooking, invalid timeslots etc.
  • REJECTED-SCHEDULE-CHANGE : A proposed change to the booking was rejected by either the customer or activity provider.
  • TECHNICAL-ISSUE : You have encountered a technical issue which does not relate to the Musement API.
  • VENUE-CLOSED : The reserved activity is unavailable due to weather, maintenance, strikes etc.

The cancellation_additional_info property can contain any additional information you wish to communicate regarding the cancellation. The property is optional and may be omitted if you feel it is unnecessary.

Order item status

You can check the success of your cancellation by calling the /orders/{orderUuid} endpoint and checking the status property of the order item. For a complete list of order and order item statuses, as well as their meanings, check out the status page in the booking flow section.

Cancellation support

You may encounter errors when cancelling order items, both in the sandbox and production environments. In some cases, these aren't errors. Some activities must be cancelled manually by Musement. To request assistance to manually cancel an order item, contact our Customer Care team at Please include details about the order, order item and error message.

As always, please avoid sending any sensitive customer data via email.

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