Test purchases

To get familiar with the Musement API, use our sandbox environment for easy troubleshooting. The sandbox environment mirrors our production environment API while using a separate database in order to avoid creating confusion for activity providers. You may safely make tests without worrying about accidentally booking real activities.

Application value
All requests, even those in the sandbox environment, require the X-Musement-Application header. More info about this header can be found here.

Testing in sandbox environment

The sandbox environment contains test activities which represent the most common configurations in our catalog. These activities are kept up-to-date for your convenience. We invite partners to use these specific activities to test a full integration flow:

  1. Searching the catalog
  2. Checking for availabilities
  3. Creating carts
  4. Creating orders
  5. Making purchases
  6. Canceling order items
Below is a list of test activities in sandbox with their main characteristic and corresponding activityUuid:
  • Calendar (date and time): 5a002d99-781b-479b-9a9d-9efadfd34ec2
  • Calendar (date only): d38cea83-02f6-47b3-abd6-5abbf812e27a
  • Extra customer data: 1714c6a7-2046-11e7-9cc9-06a7e332783f
  • Instant confirmation: 4e451a8a-2ee5-493f-aa12-a39f13d7253e
  • Languages: 101dcb56-2046-11e7-9cc9-06a7e332783f
  • Multiple ticket options df542cb8-8fca-44d0-94e6-715399c783f0
  • Needs confirmation (i.e. not instant confirmation): 0f5821c5-2046-11e7-9cc9-06a7e332783f
  • Open date: 82f6f46c-3923-4510-b5ba-b50aad624eb1
  • Participant info: 0420c908-981e-4e27-a40f-767e8b66574a
  • Participant info and extra customer data: 165fcd0d-2046-11e7-9cc9-06a7e332783f
  • Pickups: df542cb8-8fca-44d0-94e6-715399c783f0
  • Refund policies: 0f641d85-2046-11e7-9cc9-06a7e332783f

Email notifications

The sandbox environment mirrors the production environment API, but some features have been purposedly disabled. For example, the sandbox environment will not send any email confirmations for orders. If you would like to see an example of an order confirmation email, please contact the Strategic partnerships team.

Selecting dates

When making test purchases for activities with calendar dates, please use dates at least one month from the day of your test. This grants you enough time to verify the order and still be able to cancel refundable order items.

Order item status

Most order items in the sandbox environment will display a status of PENDING by default because automatic order item confirmation has been disabled. If you would like to see the status change for a test order item, send a request with the order ID to api-distribution@tui.com.

Booking details

When creating a test booking in the sandbox environment, you must use the following details for the lead booker in the PUT /carts/{cartUuid}/customer endpoint:
  • Email address: test@test.com
  • First name: TEST
  • Last name: TEST

Testing in production environment

After successful testing in the sandbox environment, you are finally ready to go live with your integration!

If you are still interested in additional testing in the production environment, contact us at api-distribution@tui.com for more instructions.

Canceling order items

Whether you're in the sandbox or production environment, you are expected to cancel every test order item when you are done verifying the API responses.

If your account has been granted access to canceling order items, please follow the dedicated section for canceling order items.

If your account has not been granted access to canceling order items, email support-affiliate@musement.com asking to cancel the order items and providing the order UUID.

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