Check the status

Once an order has been paid, you need to wait for its status to change.

An order's status property is dependent on all its order items, only changing after every order item has been confirmed. Since order items can come from activities with differing characteristics, such as confirmation times or refund policies, we recommend tracking the status property for individual items instead of the order's own status property.After a successful payment, order items for instant confirmation activities automatically change their status from PENDING to OK.Need confirmation activities do not automatically change their status after a successful payment. Their status changes after the activity provider reviews and confirms the booking. The amount of time for this step varies, depending on the activity provider. The order item's product indicates the maximum amount of wait time to expect for a confirmation in its max_confirmation_time property.

To get the latest details about an order and its items, make the following request:

curl -X GET '{baseUrl}/orders/{orderUuid}' \
-H 'X-Musement-Application: {applicationValue}' \
-H 'X-Musement-Version: 3.4.0' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}'

The response contains information about the order, including the order items and their statuses:

	"uuid": "bf464161-f03a-449e-ac82-566721c0e6b4",
	"status": "PENDING",
	"items": [
			"product": {
				"max_confirmation_time": "PT30M",
			"status": "PENDING",
			"vouchers": []
			"product": {
				"max_confirmation_time": "P0D",
			"status": "OK",
			"vouchers": [
					"url": ""

In the example response above, one item has already been confirmed while another is still pending.

If you have set up a webhook for order items, you can trigger a notification by making the following request:

curl -X POST '{baseUrl}/orders/{orderUuid}/items/{orderItemUuid}/notifications' \
-H 'X-Musement-Application: {applicationValue}' \
-H 'X-Musement-Version: 3.4.0' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}'

List of statuses

A complete list of order and order item statuses is available in the reference section and below.

Order statuses

  • KO: There was an issue finalizing the order or it has been cancelled without a refund.
  • OK: The order is valid and all order items have been confirmed.
  • PENDING: The order's payment and/or item confirmation are in progress
  • REFUND_STARTED: A refund request for one or more order items is being processed. This status is temporary and will change to REFUNDED once the request has been resolved.
  • REFUNDED: The order has been cancelled and either partially or fully refunded.

Order item statuses

  • CANCELLATION_ERROR: An error occurred while processing a cancellation. This status is temporary and will change to either OK or REFUNDED after examination by Musement Customer Care.
  • KO: There was an issue finalizing the order item.
  • OK: The order item is valid and has been confirmed.
  • PENDING: The order item's payment and confirmation are in progress.
  • REFUND_STARTED: A refund request for the item is being processed. This status is temporary and will change to REFUNDED once the request has been resolved.
  • REFUNDED: The order item has been cancelled and either partially or fully refunded.
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