Instant vs need confirmation

After booked activities have been successfully paid for, vouchers become available for download. However, depending on the activity configuration, more time may be needed before a voucher is ready.

When it comes to confirmation times, Musement activities are divided into two types:

  • Instant confirmation
  • Need confirmation

Instant confirmation

Instant confirmation activities do not require additional confirmation from activity providers. Vouchers for these activities become available within 150 seconds of payment.

You can determine if an activity has instant confirmation by checking its max_confirmation_time property:

	"max_confirmation_time": "P0D",

A value of P0D, which stands for a period of zero days, indicates that the activity has instant confirmation.

Need confirmation

Need confirmation activities require a response from activity providers before vouchers can be issued. This is a common situation when seat numbers are tightly managed to avoid overbooking or extra time is needed to generate custom vouchers.

A need confirmation activity's max_confirmation_time property is never P0D:

	"max_confirmation_time": "P2D",

The value indicates the maximum amount of time an activity provider needs to confirm a booking. In the example above, the provider will take up to two days to confirm a booking.

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