Refund policies

Bookings for most Musement activities are refundable and can be canceled before the customer's scheduled booking takes place. To get the list of available refund policies for a specific activity, make the following request:

curl -X GET '{baseUrl}/activities/{activityUuid}/refund-policies' \
-H 'X-Musement-Application: {applicationValue}' \
-H 'X-Musement-Version: 3.4.0' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}'

If the activity has refund policies, the response will list them. Each policy specifies how much can be refunded and the cutoff period for requesting a refund before the scheduled booking.

Below is an example response for an activity with refund policies:

		"uuid": "cdf7e764-abc9-44a5-9dd5-2084eabe806d",
		"period": "P0DT72H0M",
		"type": "PERCENTAGE",
		"value": 100
		"uuid": "291ac43a-7036-4c67-b193-f8ed858c4813",
		"period": "P0DT24H0M",
		"type": "PERCENTAGE",
		"value": 50

In the response above, customers should be refunded 100% of the price if their booking is canceled at least 72 hours before the reserved date and time. However, if they cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled booking, customers will only receive a refund of 50%. A cancellation made less than 24 hours before the booking is non-refundable.

A response with a 404 status code means the activity has no refund policies and should be treated as non-refundable.

Below is an example response for an activity with no refund policies:

	"code": "1400",
	"message": "No refund policy version for the activity"
Changes in 3.5.0

Starting in version 3.5.0, the API response for refund policies can vary depending on the configuration of the activity. Activities with no refund policies will return either:

  • 404 status code
  • 200 status code with an empty array


There are two types of refund policies:

    • Customers receive a percentage of the activity's price back.
    • Customers receive a fixed amount back for each item in a refund.

The PERCENTAGE type is the most common type of refund policy. The ABSOLUTE type is very rare. However, when present, it includes the currency for the refund in the currency_code property:

		"uuid": "1d31f579-9b8c-4c47-a0ce-58b379ad569b",
		"period": "P3D",
		"type": "ABSOLUTE",
		"value": 25.0,
		"currency_code": "EUR"

The currency_code for the ABSOLUTE type is always the default currency of the activity regardless of the value of the X-Musement-Currency header. For more information about currencies, check out the currency page.

Refunds for order items

While the /activities/{activityUuid}/refund-policies endpoint reflects the refund policies available for an activity at the time of the call, it should not be used to retrieve policies for order items.

For more information on checking the refund policies for order items, check out the page for cancellations.

Avoid converting time periods

Some activity providers are very precise about the units used for describing a refund period. Please avoid converting time periods to a different unit. For example, a value of PT24H should be displayed as "24 hours" and not "1 day".

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