
Caching is a valid strategy that can help improve the speed of your service. However, it works better for some endpoints than others.

Activity dates and prices

The available dates and prices for an activity can change often, especially during high season. To provide customers with the most up-to-date availability, avoid caching results from the following endpoints:

  • /activities/{activityUuid}/dates
  • /activities/{activityUuid}/dates/{date}

Catalog endpoints

Details for other parts of the catalog change less often. These include (but are not limited to) categories, cities and venues. The following examples are endpoints that are acceptable to cache for up to seven days:

  • /activities
  • /activities/{activityUuid}
  • /categories
  • /categories/{categoryId}
  • /categories-tree
  • /cities
  • /cities/{cityId}
  • /countries
  • /countries/{countryId}
  • /venues
  • /venues/{venueId}
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